
Chip ingram quotes
Chip ingram quotes

Three times in the Song of Solomon, we are warned not to “ Arouse or awaken love before its time.” Solomon does it right by waiting in order to give himself fully to his bride.(Mary Kassian, from the article, “Necessities for God-Glorifying Sex”) According to the Bible, marital sex is the only sex that glorifies God. Not “I’m-so-in-love-it-doesn’t-matter” sex. According to the Bible, the only sex that faithfully tells God’s covenant story is sex that takes place within a marriage covenant. You throw mud at the supernatural storyline that your body was created to honor. Not only that, your behavior also tells a lie about God and the nature of His covenant. Your body testifies that a spiritual, supernatural and legal joining has taken place, when in fact it hasn’t. If you have sex with someone you’re not married to, you tell a lie with your body. (Dennis McCallum and Gary DeLashmutt, The Myth of Romance) So, too, the satisfaction of sex is short-lived when it is torn from the setting for which God designed it. If we pick a wildflower and take it from its natural environment, it wilts quickly. (See Genesis 2:24-25.) Christians who believe this should realize that sex will be fulfilling in a lasting way only in the context of marriage. God has designed sexual expression to be experienced within the context of a permanent love relationship.We pray they will minister to your situation. You can spend decades enjoying the sugary coating of sin, only to find out too late that when the sweetness is gone, there’s nothing left but a sour taste.The following are quotes and thoughts from various resources on the subject of Sex Before Marriage and Living Together.

chip ingram quotes chip ingram quotes chip ingram quotes

But the problem is that the sour part may not come for weeks, months, or even years. It will always look and taste attractive – that is, until you bite into it. He’ll offer sex to you from a video screen or in a perverted way, moving you away from what is good, true, loving, and wonderful, and twisting it into something that is evil and destructive in the end. He’ll get you to believe that his counterfeit pleasure is the only way to satisfy your emotional needs. The enemy will come with something that is good on the outside – like a legitimate, strong desire for food, sex, or achievement - offer it to you in the wrong way at the wrong time. Do you remember eating those candies when you were young? They are sweet on the outside and sour when you bite into them. “You won’t find this name in the Bible, but Satan is the original SweetTart distributor.

Chip ingram quotes